11th Annual Ron Falls Memorial Cribbage Tournament

Cribbage Tournament
March 15, 2019
Alcomdale Hall, Alcomdale

Doors open at 7:00, games begin at 7:30
$15/ team, $7.50/person to play
Cash prizes, booby prize
50/50 draw
Free refreshments

Come and join us for a fun evening of cribbage in a relaxed atmosphere. We play 7 games and if you are not having any luck, maybe you'll win the booby prize or even the 25¢ 19-hand pot!

There is a map to Alcomdale on the blog, or just Google us - we are easy to find just off Highway 44  between Villeneuve and Westlock.
No preregistration - just show up, pay and play. See you there.

If you need more information you can email us HERE

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